NDIS Services - Specialist Support Coordination - Support Chain - Melbourne
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Expert NDIS Specialist Support Coordination in Melbourne

NDIS Specialist Support Coordination, similar to regular
“Support Coordination,” can help you get the most out of your NDIS plan by giving you specialised support.

Specialist Support Coordination differs from Support Coordination because it aims to help people with complex needs get suitable support and make well-informed decisions about their NDIS plans and goals.

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What is NDIS Specialist Support Coordination?

Specialist support coordination is considered a whole new level of support coordination as it offers much higher support for NDIS participants. The main goal is to make the participant’s support environment less complicated and to help the participant get past immediate and major barriers to planning implementation.

Support coordination by experts helps participants by addressing complex barriers that make it hard for them to get support and, if necessary, creating a service plan for their support needs.

Ndis Specialist Support Coordination - Support Chain
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Who Provides NDIS Specialist Support Coordination?

A specialist support coordinator is in charge of coordinating support for people who need it. Specialist support coordinators should have the proper training and experience to provide the expert approach required to address a participant’s complex support needs and environmental risks.

How Can NDIS Specialist Support Coordination Help?

Specialist Support Coordination helps make it easier for you to use or implement your NDIS plan. It includes all of the activities listed in “Support Coordination,” like helping you understand the NDIS, getting you into the community, and keeping an eye on how your support is being used.

NDIS Specialist Support Coordination will reduce your need for high-intensity support throughout your NDIS plan by giving you the knowledge and skills you need to manage your services and support. If you still need help figuring out how to use your NDIS plan, the NDIA will often recommend regular Support Coordination instead of Specialist Support Coordination during future reviews.

Each person who gets support coordination from a specialist gets personalised help to implement their support plans, keep track of them, and review them. This helps reduce the risk and complexity of their situation.

Specialist Support Coordination at Support Chain

Support Chain focuses on removing barriers and making the support environment less complicated. This is done while helping our clients find support and building community capacity and resilience.

We have a team of very skilled and effective Specialist Support Coordinators who have the training and experience to deal with people who need a lot of support and whose needs are hard to understand.

Let us help you unlock the full potential of your NDIS plan with our trusted NDIS specialist support coordination services in Melbourne.

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